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2023-2024 Rescue Hay Fund!

The first 20% of our winter hay has been delivered and paid for! That's one semi load of round bales and 200 square bales, at a total of $7,200.
We need to raise the next $7,200 to schedule the next delivery - and winter is coming fast! Please consider a donation today to keep the horses fed!

In South Dakota we buy a year's worth of hay at once - and have to raise the entire amount every fall! There are no feed stores that sell hay regularly in our area; no easy way to transport or get hay delivered in the winter; and hay at the few auctions increases in price as the temperatures drop and the supply dwindles during the bitter cold winter.

With anywhere from 50-70 horses on the property regularly we get a LOT of hay. We have contracted five semi loads of round bales this year. Each semi carries 34 bales at about 1800 pounds per bale - which equals 153 tons! On top of that we get another 1000 square bales of hay - a 60 pounds each to feed the ponies, stall and pen horses. It is by far the most important - and most expensive - need that we have.

After three years of drought hay is scarce and expensive. We've reduced the number of horses in our care and are getting one less semi this winter - but we still need to feed who we have.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help us keep the horses fed - both the ones currenlty here and those that will need rescue this winter.